We did a test print!

So this labor day weekend we printed out a card sheet of our latest art. It's crazy to see how far the game has come!

Penguin SLAP! game card backs

The upper temp art has been replaced with much cleaner final art. (The new prints have some black holdout edges around them) Look at all that detail!

Below are some of the Penguin Personas we've been working on. It's been a while since our first test print, so since then I've had to scribble rule changes and updates onto the old cards.

Penguin SLAP! card game penguin personas

I still want to do some color balancing to make the penguins pop off the background more and some of the artwork is still in-progress, but the cards are just about there for the promotional print.

Penguin SLAP! card game more penguin personas

We plan on doing a give away for a free copy of the promotional edition of the game on Facebook! If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, like/follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/penguinslapgame/

And you can also subscribe to our email list to get notified when the Kickstarter goes live next month! http://www.penguinslap.com/2016/08/subscribe-to-our-mailing-list_29.html


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