We've decided to start a small distribution of fliers to help promote our game. (Well, partially to promote the game, and partially because I like puzzles) Click to enlarge! We're going to travel around to ice cream shops, diners, and cafes and see if we can leave a few of these behind. They'll be free to take, and they'll be available online here too! The Tuxedo Telegraph will contain articles that will give a little more backstory and character to the penguins, while also challenging you with little puzzles. I'll post the answers to the puzzles here before the next issue posts. There currently is no schedule for these (I don't know if it'll be a weekly/monthly/quarterly thing) but I'll keep making them as long as I have time to.
Today I wanted to start a series of posts that focus on some of our "special" cards. Introducing the Fishing Rod! (I was actually torn between "Fishing Rod" and "Fishing Pole," so I asked our followers on facebook which wording they used. Someone ended up messaging me the difference between the two. A fishing "rod" can be cast, whereas a fishing "pole" does not have a reel and cannot be cast.) In Penguin SLAP! each player can only catch fish from the "fishing holes" closest to them. Or, more specifically, you can only draw cards from the two draw piles closest to you. P1 can only draw from those two fishing holes. So in the above example, P1 can only draw from the two draw piles closest to them. The draw piles on the other side of the table are permanently out of reach. But P1 really, really , wants the green fish on the other side of the table. What's a penguin to do? ohh, looks like somebody knows! That's right! You...
Penguin SLAP! @ Boston FIG Fest 2018 We're happy to announce we'll be showing our game at Boston FIG Fest 2018! BostonFIG celebrates independent game development in New England, across the United States, and around the globe! They're a non-profit organization that seeks to support and showcase the efforts of independent game developers, as well as youth programs focused on game development and related fields. This year we submitted our game for curation and review, and we were selected to showcase (and potentially sell...) our game to the public! For more info on Boston FIG Fest check out their website at https://www.bostonfig.com/ We're really excited, and of course this means we'll be announcing MORE STUFF in the coming weeks! HYPE!!!
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