A Special Announcement: Extra Life 2017, For The Kids!

We're happy to announce we'll be doing Extra Life again this year! For the second year in a row, we're raising money for Shands Children's Hospital! Last year we blew past our expectations. I set our goal for a mere $100, and by the end of the livestream (and chicken dancing) we had raised $430!! We're starting earlier this year, so we plan on beating last year's amount by quite a bit, but we need your help! We're kicking off this year with something different! Jewlz has done some hand-painted cosplay art, featuring Egg Penguin dressed like a character from a very popular video game that came out this year. For every dollar donated, you'll get one chance at winning her one-of-a-kind, only-one-in-existence painting! The Legend of Egg: Breath of the Penguin Donate at: tinyurl.com/pengiuinslapcharity The drawing will be held on June 30th! IMPORTANT!: Unfortunately, if you donate as anonymous you won't be eligible for the drawing since, well, we won'...